Sunday, October 23, 2011


Blink by nikconwell
Blink, a photo by nikconwell on Flickr.

OK, sorry, I'll try not to blink this time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This is what pre-med 3rd grade art class is like.

Amateur Dental Society

Every now and then Allison asks me to brush her teeth.  I don't mind because I think it's worth it to have an extra good brushing from time to time.  I told her that when she goes off to college, she will have to brush her own teeth.  So then she went off to create a legal document whereby I would agree to brushing her teeth in college.

Attached, exhibit A:

I thought the googly eyes were a nice touch.  I think somebody did a "study" a while back about drawing eyes on a sign for paying for something on the honor system and discovered that there was better compliance.  I wonder if that would work for legal documents?