Monday, December 27, 2010


Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Major, major sledding disaster. No helmet too :(

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Family Photo

Family Photo
Originally uploaded by nikconwell


Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Sledding down Grandad's back-yard sled run. Needed a bit more snow, but was pretty good.

Sledding XMAS 2010

Great way to work up an appetite for huge XMAS dinner. 1 mile hike up the road to giant sledding hill. Sledding and climbing up the hill approximately the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest 4 times. Bet you don't get to sled down Mt. Everest though.

Thanks Andy for taking the awesome video.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Note for Santa

Note for Santa
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Christmas Eve. Special message and cookie for Santa.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pool Day

Last day at the pool.

Pool temp was around 90F, but surprisingly it actually didn't feel that warm. It's been warmer in previous years.

Pool Temp


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Visiting Grandma Tovah

Went to visit Grandma Tovah.

She's 103, and as sharp as a tack.



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Technology Upgrade

Dad hooked up Grandma's new TV in the new entertainment center.





Monday, November 22, 2010


Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Grandma Nancy special dessert. Chick cupcake. Was delicious. OK, the frosting was delicious. The non frosting, non super sugary cake part was not harmed during the consumption of this dessert.

By the pool

Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Hanging out by the pool. The water was a little cold unfortunately.

The view

Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Heading down to Florida. Nice view but it was cloudy.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


It was a year ago since Papa passed away so we decided to let off some balloons and think about him.

We wrote messages on the balloons ...


Headed across the street ...

and let them go.

Very fitting heading off to the sunlight.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010 Loot

Halloween 2010 Loot
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
This pile actually looks much much larger in real life.

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
It's "Collect Candy Like a Pirate" day!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Camp 2010

Camp 2010
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
First day of camp, waiting for the bus to arrive.

Casco, Maine

Casco, Maine
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
This was just moments before 8 million bugs came out of the woods and ate me and Aiden. We ate hot dogs.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Checking in with gravity.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Not feeling so good.

Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Groggy morning, temp 102F. Staying cozy under a blanket.

Total Gym 2000! Call now, sales reps are standing by!

Originally uploaded by nikconwell
I was having fun exercising on the Total Gym 2000! Totally.

Movie time.

Originally uploaded by nikconwell
I was watching "Ella Enchanted". It was a bit hard to listen because the plane was loud.

First Class!

Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Waiting for takeoff in Atlanta. First Class is awesome!

I was feeling good to go to Florida. Hooray!

(Note that the beverage that looks suspiciously like a Margarita belongs to the adult in the picture.)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ms. Pants-Hat

Ms. Pants-Hat
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
In this picture we see Ms. Pants-Hat performing statistical analysis on a selection of envelopes used for transporting lunch money.

Note, no Pants were harmed during the making of this photograph.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ice Cream

Behold my advanced ice cream eating technique!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm SO ready for summer to come.

Bedtime Story

Bedtime Story
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Cozy bedtime story.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snakes at the Dentist

Snakes at the Dentist
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Dessert today involved a giant snake!

Chewy delicioussssssnessssss!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Unloved Halloween Candy

Unloved Halloween Candy
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
This is 100% Darwin. This is the candy that remains 3 months after Halloween. It's picked over every night as part of the dessert treat ritual. If you manufacture or sell this stuff, you might want to have your R&D department do some studies with their target demographic (6 yr. old kids). Some kids are choosing apples over this stuff. Even parents are passing this stuff over.

Bonus, click on the image to go to Flickr to see notes annotating various entries.

Dim Sum

Dim Sum
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Chopsticks! They actually worked and held onto the food item. Truly amazing. Dim sum bun very tasty. Dim sum bun filling, not so tasty.

Devil Shtick!

Devil Stick!
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Yes, it's been a while since Halloween.

Yes, the Devil Stick is still a popular item in this household.

But not with parents.