Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jump Rope

Jump Rope
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Perfect day, perfect weather. Time to come outside for the spring and get some jump roping going on. Extreme Jump Rope!

EDIT: Amazingly, no child was hurt during the taking of this photograph.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Incredible Ant Discovery

Incredible Ant Discovery
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Ants can fart. Really.

Milking a goat

Milking a goat
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
Goat milking. Not sure who had the worst time, the goat or me. I used lots of hand sanitizer afterwards. Not good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Day!

Yes indeed, free ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.

I had Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Only person in the universe to eat ice cream out of a cone with a spoon. (Dad eats chips with a fork so there!) Delicious.

After that I tried Cake Batter. Yuck. Dad finished it off.

Then I tried the Goodbye Yellow Brickle Road. Nasty. Dad finished that off too.

So then back to more Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, but then I got too full so Dad had to finish that off as well.

Dad did not need to have any supper.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon
Originally uploaded by nikconwell
It was cold, but the snacks were awesome.

The race was fun too. Here's the Men's lead passing by.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Family Movie Night!

Here is me enjoying the Hannah Montana Concert Movie in 3d:

Here is me a few minutes later NOT enjoying the Hannah Montana Concert Movie in 3d:

Mary Poppins was much better.